Thursday, January 21, 2010

she wants you more.

There's been enough subjective film pictures that I've updated lately. So here is a picture I took of my best friend Kate and her boyfriend Dan, who make up This is Deer Country. They're real awesome at singin' and music and stuff, and also I love them.

and also they live in Houghton, Mi in the UP and make really tasty pasties.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

using negatives without editing

this town is my favorite
and I promise that I'll come back.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Third update today. Hehheh.

So here is something I am working on this week. I'll try to upload the finished print when it's done if I can figure out a way to scan it. I'm going to print this on matte paper tomorrow, but more opaque so I can letterpress on it. That's probably not the right verb usage. Oh well, you get the picture.
and I took this one a while ago and I felt like it fit with this post, pictures of food that look gross.

more for today.

because I've been slacking off I'll update twice today, here are two more pictures from my UP trip back in OCTOBER...

and a song that I really like today that may or may not go with these pictures.
(also it should be noted that bibio is both really awesome morning music and really awesome working music)


I haven't updated in a long time, I've been having bad days and feeling pretty unmotivated, especially about my thesis stuff. BUT now school is starting again, so I have to get my booty back in gear.

so here are two more images for my thesis stuff. I'm going to have to go back and edit some of the previous ones that don't fit out of the final product. I'm not sure how many pictures I'm going to end up having, I just want them to all fit well together. We'll see how this ends up, I'm kindof freaking out about it since I Have no real set plan right now and I am just trying to work...